It’s summertime and many will soon be booking or boarding their flights for their summer vacation. CBD is completely federally legal, but there are things to keep in mind when you are traveling and these 2021 summertime CBD traveling tips will help. Many are concerned about what it is like to travel with CBD, particularly through the air.
The laws regarding flying with CBD are still a bit complicated even though it is completely legal. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t successfully travel with CBD. These 2021 summertime CBD traveling tips will help you have an easy and enjoyable traveling experience.
Boarding A Plane With CBD
To be clear, CBD is completely legal according to federal law. In 2018, the Federal Farm Bill passed, and inside of that bill was language that completely legalized hemp. Since then, every state in America has allowed CBD based products to be sold within their borders. Before 2018, hemp based products were treated the same as marijuana. This was the case because the federal law made no distinction on different cannabis plants. So even though the hemp plant is extremely low in THC it was treated in the exact same way as marijuana, which is still not federally legal.
While CBD is fully federally legal the TSA has taken a different view. The TSA states that anything that is derived from cannabis is illegal and subject to confiscation. While hemp and marijuana are two different plants it is important to note that hemp is a cannabis plant. This makes the TSA’s position potentially troubling for travelers. However, once you do research on the TSA and CBD you will find that it is extremely unlikely for your product to be confiscated.
What Is The TSA Looking For?
TSA is primarily concerned with passenger safety. This means that they are really looking for anyone carrying weapons or any other dangerous items or materials that someone might be trying to bring on to a plane. This doesn’t mean that if you are traveling with an illegal drug that the TSA doesn’t have the right to or won’t try to confiscate the drug.
While CBD is technically not allowed on a flight it is more than likely that a TSA agent won’t care about it if they happen to come across it. What is really important is that you follow all TSA guidelines to get through security without any problems.
2021 Summertime Traveling Tips To Take CBD On A Plane
There are several tips to keep in mind when traveling this summer with CBD. Let’s take a look at several of these tips to help you better understand what to do when traveling.
Follow TSA’s General Guidelines
The TSA has a number of general guidelines that dictate how you can travel. There are rules that state how much quantity of certain items you can have and how you can pack those items. For instance, when it comes to liquids, the TSA is strict about amounts. Follow all these guidelines as closely as possible if you want to get through security without raising any eyebrows. After all, failing to follow their guidelines can cause them to want to search your things more thoroughly. Meaning, it’s more likely they’ll confiscate your CBD.
Be Polite During Your 2021 Summertime Travel With CBD
Just like any other person, a TSA agent appreciates someone that is courteous to them— it is simply human nature. It is important for you to be polite as they do their job at the airport. If you are rude, it won’t help you carry your CBD bottle on to the plane. Simply be nice and cheerful in the screening process. It will go a very long way in making your experience as smooth as possible.
Check Destination Laws
When you are traveling with CBD it is important to know the rules and laws regarding CBD in the area you are traveling. If traveling in the U.S.A. it is important to note that some states have different rules regarding CBD. When considering your 2021 summertime CBD traveling tips, it is important to remember that some countries have made it completely illegal to carry CBD. So, be informed about the rules of the place you are traveling to.
Carry On The Plane
You may think you will just put your CBD oil or gummies in your suitcase and check them and you will be good to go. You would be wrong with this approach. Any luggage that is checked on to a plane goes through a stricter screening process. Therefore, it is better to bring your CBD product with you on to the plane.
Bring Documentation About The Product
Any legitimate CBD product should always have documentation for it. The most important documentation is the third-party lab tests which show exactly what is in the product. These lab results will verify the chemical composition of the CBD product and will show that the product has less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC in it which is still federally not legal.
Also, if you have had any conversation with your doctor about taking CBD and you have any documentation from your doctor recommending you take CBD bring that along as well. TSA agents are likely to be way more lenient if you are taking CBD as a form of treatment for a condition that you have.
Keep Products In Original Packaging
Any attempt to place CBD in an unmarked bottle or package may raise concerns from TSA. A blank bottle or package could be interpreted as an illegal drug or potentially an explosive. If an agent clearly sees that you are traveling with a commercial CBD product, they will be much less concerned than with a product that is in a blank package.
Don’t Vape On The Plane Or In The Airport During Your 2021 Summertime Travel With CBD
No matter what kind of vape you have whether it is a nicotine product or CBD, it is illegal to do in the airport or on the plane. Vaping in the airport or on the plane could potentially cause you to be arrested or have to pay a fine. If you must take a CBD product while at the airport or on the plane you should use a product like an edible, tincture, or capsule. It is important to remember, though, that these methods of intake will take longer to take effect than a vape product, so plan ahead.
2021 Summertime CBD Traveling Tips Takeaways
As you can see, traveling with CBD doesn’t have to be a stressful ordeal. If you follow the simple guidelines, we’ve provided in this article you shouldn’t have an issue with your CBD products. Remember it is always best to travel with legitimate, commercially available CBD products like those sold at CBD Supply Maryland in Baltimore. If you just follow these guidelines in order to travel with CBD, you’ll have an easy summertime travel experience.